Tuesday 17 March 2015

What is this blog all about?

"We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully, nor for much longer, unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody."
- Buckminster Fuller
Hello and welcome to in.this.together!
I am a 27-year-old female from England. 
But already that’s more than enough about me! 
This is about us. And how Earth as we know it depends on us.
The aim of this blog is not to preach, to put down, or to point the finger. 
The aim is to inform, inspire and involve. Because we're in.this.together.
  • inform – by providing simple, jargon-free, interesting information, articles, product reviews and interviews related to helping the planet. 
  • inspire – by highlighting what could be achieved if we all pitch in, and what might happen if we don't.
  • involve – by demonstrating different ways we can make a difference, from making small lifestyle changes, to signing petitions, to volunteering abroad, and everything in between!
I (sorry for briefly returning to the ‘I’ word) am by no means an expert. I am learning as I go. I am not a dread-locked, vegan, tree-hugging hippy but I do care deeply about this beautiful planet of ours, and I’m fed up of believing that few people feel the same way. I know you all care too! So this blog is also about finding like-minded people, sharing ideas and opinions and educating myself as well as others. P.S. Dread-locked, vegan, tree-hugging hippies, you are very welcome here!

If you spot any errors, omissions or misleading information please let me know! I’m only human.


  1. Looking forward to reading the rest of your blog now I've found out about it, have recently realised I'm not that informed on ecological issues so I'm trying to learn more :)

    1. Hi Robert thanks so much for reading! If there is a particular topic you are interested please feel free to make requests!
